Informacje o akcjonariuszach

Tu znajdziesz informacje o walnych zgromadzeniach, strukturze akcjonariatu, najważniejszych wartościach na akcję, powiadomieniach i wielu innych kwestiach. To dość sporo informacji, lecz warto je przeczytać.

Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting on May 30, 2024

2024 Tytuł dokumentu
30/05 Minutes (in Dutch)
30/05 Presentation (in Dutch/English)
30/04 Privacy Statement (in Dutch)
30/04 Annual Report 2023 + report of the Statutory Auditor
30/04 What’s Cooking Group SA – draft annual accounts 2022 (in Dutch)
30/04 Remuneration report 2023
30/04 Voting by letter (in Dutch)
30/04 Power of Attorney (in Dutch)
30/04 Convening notice

Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting on May 25, 2023

2023 Tytuł dokumentu
25/05 Minuty (in Dutch)
25/05 Presentation (in Dutch/English)
25/05 Privacy Statement (in Dutch)
25/05 Annual Report 2022 + report of the Statutory Auditor
25/05 Ter Beke SA – draft annual accounts 2022 (in Dutch)
25/05 Remuneration policy 2023 - 2026
25/05 Remuneration report 2022
25/05 Voting by letter (in Dutch)
25/05 Power of Attorney (in Dutch)
25/05 Convening notice

Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting on April 21, 2023

Tytuł dokumentu
Draft coordinated Articles of Association April 21, 2023 (clean version)
Draft coordinated Articles of Association April 21, 2023 (mark up version)
Board report art 7:199 CAC (in Dutch)
Voting by letter (in Dutch)
Privacy Statement (in Dutch)
Power of Attorney (in Dutch)
Convening notice

Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting on May 25, 2022

Tytuł dokumentu
Minutes (in Dutch)
Presentation (in Dutch)
Remuneration report
Ter Beke SA - draft annual accounts 2021 (in Dutch)
Voting by letter (in Dutch)
Annual Report 2021 + report of the Statutory Auditor Ter Beke Group
Privacy statement General Assembly (in Dutch)
Power of Attorney (in Dutch)
Convening notice

Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting on May 27, 2021

Tytuł dokumentu
Minutes (only available in Dutch)
Annual report 2020 + report of the Statutory Auditor Ter Beke Group
Ter Beke SA - draft annual accounts 2020 (only available in Dutch)
Remuneration policy
Power of Attorney | Remote voting with voting instructions (only available in Dutch)
Covening notice

Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting on May 28, 2020

Tytuł dokumentu
Minutes (only available in Dutch)
Annual report 2019 + report of the Statutory Auditor Ter Beke Group
Ter Beke SA - draft annual accounts 2019 (only available in Dutch)
Power of Attorney with voting instructions (only available in Dutch)
Convening notice

Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting on May 28, 2020

Tytuł dokumentu
Minutes (only available in Dutch)
Draft coordinated Articles of Association May 28, 2020 (clean version)
Draft coordinated Articles of Association May 28, 2020 (mark up version)
Board report art 7:199 juncto 7:202 CAC (only available in Dutch)
Power of Attorney with voting instructions (only available in Dutch)
Convening notice

Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting on May 29, 2019

Tytuł dokumentu
Minutes (document only available in Dutch)
Annual report 2018
Ter Beke SA - draft annual accounts 2018 (document only available in Dutch)
Report of the Statutory Auditor Ter Beke Group
Report of the Statutory Auditor Ter Beke SA (document only available in Dutch & French)
Power of Attorney (document only available in Dutch)
Convening notice

Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting on May 31, 2018

Tytuł dokumentu
Minutes (document only available in Dutch)
Annual Report 2017
Ter Beke SA - draft annual accounts 2017 (document only available in Dutch)
Report of the Statutory Auditor Ter Beke Group
Report of the Statutory Auditor Ter Beke SA (document only available in Dutch & French)
Power of Attorney (document only available in Dutch)
Convening notice

Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting on May 24, 2017

Tytuł dokumentu
Minutes (only available in Dutch)
Annual Report 2016
Ter Beke SA - draft annual accounts 2016 (only available in Dutch)
Report of the Statutory Auditor Ter Beke Group
Report of the Statutory Auditor Ter Beke SA (only available in Dutch & French)
Power of Attorney (only available in Dutch)
Convening notice

Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting on May 24, 2017

Tytuł dokumentu
Minutes (only available in Dutch)
Board Report art 604 and 560 C.C. (only available in Dutch)
Power of Attorney (only available in Dutch)
Convening notice

Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting on May 26 2016

Tytuł dokumentu
Minutes (only in Dutch available)
Annual Report 2015
Ter Beke SA - draft annual accounts 2015 ( only in Dutch available )
Report of the Statutory Auditor Ter Beke Group
Report of the Statutory Auditor Ter Beke SA ( only in French & Dutch available )
Power of Attorney (only in Dutch available )
Convening notice

Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting on May 28, 2015

Tytuł dokumentu
Minutes (only in Dutch available)
Annual Report 2014
Ter Beke SA - draft annual accounts 2014 ( only in Dutch available )
Report of the Statutory Auditor Ter Beke Group
Report of the Statutory Auditor Ter Beke SA ( only in French & Dutch available )
Power of Attorney (only in Dutch available )
Convening notice

Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting 28 May 2014

Tytuł dokumentu
Annual report 2013
Ter Beke SA draft annual account
Report of the Statutory Auditor Ter Beke Group
Report of the Statutory Auditor SA Ter Beke
Power of Attorney

Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting 28 May 2014

Tytuł dokumentu
Board report art 604 and 560 C.C.
Power of Attorney
Convening notice

General meeting 30 May 2013

Tytuł dokumentu
Draft of the consolidated annual accounts Ter Beke Group
Draft of the annual accounts NV Ter Beke
Report of the Statutory Auditor
Report of the Statutory Auditor
Power of Attorney

General meeting 31 may 2012

Tytuł dokumentu
Draft of the annual accounts NV Ter Beke
Draft of the consolidated annual accounts Ter Beke Group
Report of the Statutory Auditor Ter Beke Group
Report of the Statutory Auditor
Convocation to the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting

General meeting 14 december 2011

Tytuł dokumentu
Report of Board of Directors art. 604 and 560 Companies Code
Power of Attorney
Convocation to the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting

General meeting 26 may 2011

Tytuł dokumentu
Draft of the consolidated annual accounts Ter Beke Group
Draft of the annual accounts NV Ter Beke
Annual Report 2011
Report of the Statutory Auditor Ter Beke Group
Report of the Statutory Auditor

General meeting 27 may 2010

Tytuł dokumentu
Draft of the consolidated annual accounts Ter Beke Group
Draft of the annual accounts NV Ter Beke
Report of the Statutory Auditor Ter Beke Group
Report of the Statutory Auditor

Notifications received

Tytuł dokumentu
Fondation Coovan 2017 (in Dutch)
Fondation Coovan 2016 (in Dutch)
Foundation Coovan 2014 (in Dutch)
Foundation Coovan 2011 (in Dutch)
Foundation Coovan 2010 (in Dutch)
Compagnie du Bois Sauvage SA 2010 (in French)
Société Privée de Gestion de Patrimoine 2009 (in French)
Foundation Coovan 2008 (in Dutch)
Foundation Coovan 2008 (in Dutch)
Compagnie du Bois Sauvage SA 2008 (in French)


Państwa dane osobowe będą przetwarzane w celu organizacji walnego zgromadzenia zgodnie z oświadczeniem o ochronie prywatności w zakresie przetwarzania danych w związku z walnymi zgromadzeniami akcjonariuszy zamieszczonym na naszej stronie internetowej.

Deklaracja prywatności

Kapitał i inne akcje na 06/07/2023 r.

Kapitał ogółem: 5.252.436,10 EUR

Łączna liczba akcji z prawem głosu: 1.856.180

Łączna liczba praw głosu (=denominator): 1.856.180

Nie występują żadne prawa głosu, potencjalne lub inne, wynikające z praw i obowiązków związanych z rejestracją lub nabyciem papierów wartościowych, które zostały lub zostaną wyemitowane.

Nie istnieją żadne ustawowe progi.

Podstawowe dane na jedną akcję 31/12/2023

  • Liczba akcji uprawnionych do dywidendy: 1.856.180

  • Wartość akcji (średnia z grudnia w EUR): 66,13

  • Liczba akcji w obrocie dziennie: 308

  • Dywidenda opcjonalna netto (EUR): 2,996