What's Cooking Group NV is a fact

Ter Beke NV now officially changes its company name and continues sustainable growth with renewed European business strategy

Lievegem, April 21, 2023 - The Belgium-listed food company Ter Beke, celebrated its 75th anniversary earlier in March with a new trade name and logo. Now the names of all What's Cooking? companies in Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Poland and the United Kingdom are also a reality. 

The listed Ter Beke NV will henceforth be called What's Cooking Group NV and proudly carries as Ticker on the Euronext stock exchange: WHATS (instead of formerly TERB).

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 Poznaj raport roczny 2023

Cóż, „a lot is cooking”, a wszystko to zostało podsumowane w naszym NOWYM Rocznym Raporcie Zintegrowanym „What's Cooking?” za rok 2023, w którym po raz pierwszy uwzględniamy nasze Ambicje Zrównoważonego Rozwoju oraz wyniki w CSRD.

New Logo_Building

Ter Beke 75-year-old: renewed European Business strategy and new company name

Belgium - Lievegem, 07/03/2023, 7:15 a.m. Ter Beke, one of Belgium’s leading food companies, which is renowned for its processed meat products and ready meals like Come a casa® is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year. The internationally active and listed family-owned Group can look back on a rich history and is now resolutely opting for a new chapter with a renewed strategy and a new company name: What’s Cooking?

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