We’re hungry for change

A taste of our name

What's Cooking? is a flavourful way of asking what’s going on. It suggests that we are hungry, but also curious about how things are evolving and where we are heading. It’s a question of appetite and realism with a generous pinch of positivity.  

Crafting a better tomorrow

What's Cooking? is a question we ask … 
we ask the world

What we eat affects our planet and every living being on it. It’s a responsibility that shouldn’t be underestimated, so we don’t. A lot of people have already shifted to a new way of thinking. But as a producer we are not going to sit and wait for this shift to become mainstream by itself.

we ask ourselves

What are we doing to boost sustainable food choices and make them second nature? We ask ourselves this every morning. That’s how you change old habits: day by day. We know we won’t save the world, not overnight. It takes time, effort and courage. And it takes you.

we ask you

What is on your plate today? Changing habits is ambitious. For us and the industry, but also for you, as someone who loves good food. Side by side, we can turn conscious food consumption into a reflex. Our role is to craft food that is delicious, convenient and responsibly made while caring for the Earth and its people. We can do this, if you ask us to. So here is that question: What’s Cooking?


Day by day we make sustainable food consumption second nature.

Our logo

We call it ‘The Stir’
to stir = to mix a substance using a spoon or other cooking utensil;  
to get something moving, to stimulate, to energise, to inspire  

  • The Stir represents continuous movement, which to us is a natural process. As a company, we want to keep moving and to keep things moving.  

  • It illustrates our passion for food and for our beautiful craft, which energises us every day. 

  • Its different layers refer to our offering, from lasagne to our wide variety of products in general. 

  • It captures our dynamic, colourful, and powerful spirit.

Logo Loop_Slower1

Our business

What's Cooking? is a European Fresh Savoury Food group with a zest for quality and innovation. 
We sell freshly prepared ready meals which we make ourselves in 5 locations, operating through sales offices across Belgium, France, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom. 

We cater to 26 countries and are the proud employer of approximately 1.400 motivated employees who helped us achieve a turnover of nearly 404 million euros in 2024.


Close to you

We sell freshly prepared ready meals which we make ourselves in 5 locations, operating through sales offices across Belgium, France, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom.